Monday, December 05, 2005

Work Timetable - Week 8

Term is over, and I am somewhat exhausted. Twelve reading lists and many, many lectures. I feel I've done well this term, but I will be using the holiday to very much consolidate what I know and fill in gaps!

Week 8

Day - Subject - Type - Time

Sun - Tort - Cases / Articles - 1h 25mins
- Tort - Essay - 1h 25mins
Sun Total - 2h 50mins

Mon - Tort - Lecture - 1h
- Tort - Class - 2h
- Trusts - Introductory Textbook - 1h 10mins
- Trusts - Textbook - 2h
Mon Total - 6h 10mins

Tue - Trusts - Textbook - 6h 10mins
Tue Total - 6h 10mins

Wed - Trusts - Textbook - 7h
- Trusts - Cases - 1h
Wed Total - 8h

Thur - Contract - Lecture - 1h
- Tort - Lecture - 1h
- Trusts - Cases - 7h 30mins
- Trusts - Revision - 30mins
Thur Total - 10h

Fri - Land - Lecture - 1h
- Trusts - Tutorial - 1h
- Trusts - Lecture - 1h
Fri Total - 3h

Sat - Finished


Tort Week 8 - 18h 45mins (+1h 25mins Essay)
Trusts Week 8 - 25h 20mins
Week Total - 36h 10mins

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